Tag - USA

Amazing World

Cliff Dwellings of the Anasazi 

There are certain images that come to the minds of many when thinking about pre-colonisation Native Americans: one may think of tepees, feathered headdresses and, thanks to stereotyped and often negative imagery peddled by the old Spaghetti...

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Amazing World

The Mystery of Oak Island

With the new Tomb Raider movie starring Alicia Vikander now in cinemas, wannabe explorers around the world may find themselves lamenting that, in this day and age, all the blank spaces on the map appear to have been filled in. But, as Shakespeare...

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RAICES: Re-uniting Families

The world has watched in horror as photographs, footage and reports have emerged from the Mexico-US border, showing children forcibly separated from their families by border control and kept in crowded cages. Recordings of children as young as one...

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Coffee Break

Surprising Facts About The Stock Market

Image The New York Stock Exchange is an iconic location in the USA which many people associate with angry business people shouting at screens. This is the central hub for the stock market and is the first palace people will think of if they want to...

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Amazing World

The Wolves of Yellowstone

Nature operates on a delicate balance; when it goes wrong, it goes really wrong. Ecosystems and food chains are one of our planet’s many such balancing acts – however, much like the Force in George Lucas’ universe, breathtaking...

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Coffee Break

12 Places To Visit in 2018

Image The new year always brings a brand new slate and the opportunity to do new things with our time. Many of us will be setting goals to get ahead in the business world, lose some weight and even learn a new hobby. A lot of people also want to add...

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Coffee Break

So, You Want to Live in the USA?

 Image source The United States is known as the land of opportunity. Moving there is a dream of many people across the world, who want to improve their lot and make their own way in the world, but moving there can also be daunting, due to its sheer...

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