Tag - USA

Amazing World

A sailing stone gathers no moss 

In California’s Death Valley National Park in 1915, a prospector named Joseph Crook visited the dried lake-bed of Racetrack Playa and stumbled upon scores of boulders that had apparently moved across the surface, leaving very obvious trails. With...

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Coffee Break


Locksmith services can vary, depending on the specific kind of locksmith you want to hire for the services. However, in any circumstance, you should receive professional guidance and excellent outcomes when hiring any skilled locksmith, whether they...

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Coffee Break

US Prez Election News Making Headlines 

The USA, the world’s superpower, the guardian of the planet is all in the news for another major reason. The Presidential elections are slated to be held in November 2020. The next big question would be whether the alpha male leadership scenario...

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Amazing World

The Devil’s Kettle 

Nothing spurs the imagination quite so much as an unsolved geological mystery, and there are plenty of these to be found in all corners of the world.  One such phenomenon is located in Judge C.R. Magney State Park in Minnesota, USA, where the Brule...

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