As many of you are bound to have seen, industry and business are strange and uncertain topics right now in the UK, where we are based here at Endeavour. The country’s future seems unclear indeed, with a new Prime Minister taking leadership...
Tag - success
In any field of human endeavour, it’s often the leaders who get most of the credit. The people doing the work on the ground rarely get a mention. For many, it doesn’t seem fair: after all, everybody plays a role in an organisation. But there’s a...
In any kind of business, you are always going to need to make sure that you are keeping certain people happy along the way. You might even be surprised at some of the things you are going to have to do in order to make sure that you keep everyone...
This month, Endeavour had the joy of speaking with several companies that are making a positive difference in Zimbabwe, from its infrastructure to its healthcare. These developments come as the country’s economy continues to recover under its new...
If you are in the process of starting to think about your first business, you will of course want to make sure that it goes as to plan as possible. That means having a plan, and to do that you need to have a good, clear sense of what you are...
When we reached out to the South African Post Office, we expected to speak with them about the improvements they are making to their mail delivery system. The Post Office was a failing entity, but is now back on the rise, improving its efficiency...
Image When we look into running a successful business in 2019 and beyond, weh have to consider the small things which come together to make this a reality. Running a great business is something which takes a lot of skill, dedication, and most...
Deciding to go freelance should never be something that you do on a whim. Because it can take a lot of work and commitment. However, if you’ve always wanted to freelance, it shouldn’t be something that you’re afraid of either. As much as the world...
We have just come through April and, with it, the year’s Easter celebrations. Whilst working on this month’s magazine during that Easter season, a theme of new beginnings, recovery and rebirth emerged in the companies we’ve spoken with. We had the...
As a business magazine based in the UK, we hoped to have some sort of insight into Brexit to offer come the beginning of April, but on reflection, that was more than a little optimistic! The proceedings are currently taking on a chaotic version of...