Tag - software

Business Profiles

Fakeeh Care: Compassionate Care 

In an age of streamlined technology, some sectors are still struggling to keep up with the slick pace that the latest developments have enabled. One of those is the healthcare sector. Yet, Fakeeh Care, a private healthcare company in Saudi...

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Coffee Break

A Guide to Streamlining Your Business

For businesses, there’s one absolute truism that needs to be taken into account at all times: time is money. When every minute of the day has a cost value attached to it, it’s imperative that you find ways to speed up the slow processes while also...

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Coffee Break

Administration Without Frustration

One of the hardest things for new business owners to get to grips with is the amount of varied work they have to do. If you’ve been working in a normal job for your entire life, it’s easy to see why a change like this would be hard. Most people only...

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