Image via Pixabay For many people, the dream of running their own business is more or less the end all and be all of their personal career aspirations and dreams. Often, in people’s personal fantasies, entrepreneurship is equated directly with...
Tag - positive
(c) Can Stock Photo / Nevenova So, you are making the switch from full-time entrepreneur to working for someone else. The move might seem as though it is a daunting one but the truth is, you are an entrepreneur with a lot to offer. You have...
The choices you make every day have a significant impact on your health, wealth and happiness. They can also influence whether you develop illnesses and conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes. Most people know what they...
In a world where time is money, productivity is always a big deal, so much so that business owners tend to devote effort to cutting redundant actions from work processes to help preserve it. However, the key to productivity really sit with our...
Flickr When you’re a boss, you can’t ensure (or just assume) that jobs are going to be done correctly if your employees aren’t happy. You want to be able to rely on them when completing tasks in a smooth and efficient manner...
As a business owner, you should understand that your employees are going to be your lifeblood. They are what keep your business running through the good times and the bad. It therefore makes sense that any sensible business owner will do what they...
When you’re taking a look at your finances and how to improve them, it will always come up. Your credit is fundamental to some of the biggest financial decisions in life. Yet there are still many who don’t entirely understand how it works. So, we’re...