Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay You know that fantastic marketing can take your business to the next level. There are so many ways to effectively promote your business, whether you are using online platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram...
Tag - marketing
Image Location (CC0 License) Sales make the business world go round. You rely on sales to generate income for your company. Therefore, if you’re not selling enough products/services, then you’re not making enough money. This can put your business in...
Much like you probably wouldn’t turn up to a party in Regency breeches (unless it was a historical re-enactment party, obviously) or try to use BlackBerry Messenger to contact your friends, you probably wouldn’t insist on a print-first...
Photo by Gerd Altmann from Pexels Over time sales can plummet, your seemingly loyal customers will disappear and your business could be forgotten within the industry. No matter what industry you are in you could be at risk of business failure if you...
Every very small business owner will want to find ways to save money. This is particularly important when first starting out when there may not be much money coming into the company yet but knowing how to save money will always help improve your...
Nohman, Rizwan and Imran Ahmed are three brothers from vastly different career backgrounds who, in 2013, came together to found a business. They were entering an overlooked category that generated little excitement, yet they could see the potential...
Any business needs to focus more on their SEO. It is a vital part of growth within a business and if you’re business is falling short on this area, then there are plenty of ways to grow it and start seeing the improvements. SEO in essence is a...
Image Marketing is an important part of any business, and we always want to search for methods to gain a strong relationship with our audience and to find new customers. After a long time carrying out the same old marketing routine involving emails...
Making more money fast within your business might seem tough – maybe you keep a close eye on your budget, and you feel like you’re doing everything you can to sell and turn over a profit. However, we have 12 suggestions here that can help you...
Looking back, it’s hard to imagine how things were done before the internet. For start ups in particular, you cannot get off the ground without the proper online research, internet marketing and networking among other online tools and processes that...