Tag - lost

Amazing World

Under the Sea: The Wickedest City on Earth 

It’s tempting to think that the busiest, most vital cities and trades will be around forever. Places like New York, London and Shanghai hold a secure place in the 21st Century collective consciousness as ‘the centre of the action’ – ‘the places’ for...

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Amazing World

The Ghost Fleet of Truk Lagoon 

In 1969, renowned French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau explored a sheltered body of water in the Central Pacific with a fascinating history. What he found beneath the crystal waters would bring adventurers and treasure seekers from all over the...

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RAICES: Re-uniting Families

The world has watched in horror as photographs, footage and reports have emerged from the Mexico-US border, showing children forcibly separated from their families by border control and kept in crowded cages. Recordings of children as young as one...

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Coffee Break

The Worst Events To Happen On The Road

Image Source Driving is, for most people, an ordinary part of their everyday lives. It is often due to this very ordinariness that people fail to remain vigilant on the roads, often resulting in a number of incidents which would rather be avoided...

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