Tag - injury

Coffee Break

Should Tiger Make yet Another Comeback

Tiger Woods is arguably one of the best golfers that has played the game and yet he seems to have a knack of just missing the next step to pure greatness as he struggles with injury and personal, everyday life. Whether it has been from bad press...

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Coffee Break

How Long Should You Be Sore After a Fall?

With a law degree under his belt and years of experience, Mark Scott set off to make the law more accessible to all. He decided to help people lost in the maze of legal terminology to find their way. Mark writes clear and concise pieces and gives...

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Coffee Break

6 Ways You Could Use the Help of A Lawyer

Image Source:  People view lawyers in two ways: either as helpful professionals or people who make money out of other peoples’ problems. It is interesting to learn that the people who use personal injury lawyers usually obtain a higher compensation...

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Coffee Break

Why Workplace Safety is so Important

Image Credit No matter the industry, the same rule can be applied: it’s an employer’s duty and moral responsibility to maintain a safe and comfortable working environment for their employees. What makes workplace safety so vital, and why should it...

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