Mining for centuries has been the predominant pillar of thousands of industries across the world. Most importantly, it ensures that millions of people across the planet receive the key resources that we need to thrive as a society. Therefore, mining...
Tag - exploration
Exploring new places and experiencing different cultures have and continue to tempt people to travel more. Fortunately, travel has become more inclusive than ever, allowing more people to experience the joy of travelling to new places. The cause...
As one of the largest gold producers in Africa, mining is a core industry for Ghana which has seen vast expansion over the years. However, as mining operations expanded, a need for regulation and support for the various stakeholders within Ghana’s...
The extraction and processing of minerals, situated within the wider mining industry, is a fast-evolving sector in South Africa. At the forefront of such mining expertise is Johannesburg-based Appropriate Process Technologies (APT). We spoke...
AKF Mining is a state-of-the-art mining and geoscience firm that acts as a vital partner in its clientele’s exploration, development, production, and closure. Situated at the heart of the Canadian Mining Industry, their expertise in the field...
Every time we speak with Teranga Gold, we see its pipeline of gold mines coming together more and more into the promising portfolio it set out to create. A few years ago, when gold prices took their plunge, many gold producers scaled down their...
AngloGold Ashanti is a global gold producer with widespread operations in the Americas, Africa and Australasia. We spoke to Eric Asubonteng, Managing Director of one of the company’s two mines in Ghana, about the near future for Ghanaian gold...
In 2012, Perseus Mining began operations at its first site, the Edikan Gold Mine in Ghana. Now, Perseus has branched out beyond its original ‘single-mine, single-jurisdiction’ limits; with two new sites in the Côte d’Ivoire, the company is now...
With the new Tomb Raider movie starring Alicia Vikander now in cinemas, wannabe explorers around the world may find themselves lamenting that, in this day and age, all the blank spaces on the map appear to have been filled in. But, as Shakespeare...
There’s big, and then there’s ‘so big that you have your own weather system’ big. Er Wang Dong, a colossal cave network stretching 42 kilometres under Southwest China, is a self-sustaining world that fits into the latter category. Lush green forest...