Tag - Business

Coffee Break

What Makes a Grand Hotel?

There is no doubt that running a hotel is a challenging business, but it is also one that provides ample rewards if you get the balance right. You have to identify what sort of people are going to be staying in your establishment and what their main...

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Coffee Break

Training Your Employees To Be Stars!

Every time you go through the process of hiring a new member of staff, you have to spend a lot of time and money ensuring they are the right person to fit in with your business. You make a gamble every single time you begin the process of interviews...

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Coffee Break

Introducing Your Business To The World

A good business idea is merely the foundation of a potential business. If you really want your idea to grow into a profitable company, you need to package it, market it, and pitch it correctly. It’s almost like you’re introducing a part of yourself...

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Coffee Break

One Good Pitch Could Save Your Business

Cash flow problems are one of the biggest causes of business failure, especially in the first few years. Nothing ever goes quite to plan and, even though you projected large profits by this point, they haven’t appeared. Don’t worry, it happens to...

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Coffee Break

Ask These Questions Before You Outsource

Outsourcing, everyone does it. It’s particularly useful for small businesses because it allows them to keep costs low while still having the same type of set up as a major company with a far larger budget. Outsourcing also allows business owners to...

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