Entrepreneurs have a lot to be thankful for because the internet has provided them a means to grow their business easily. If you are looking to propel your business to new heights, then it’s a must that you take advantage of the platforms that are...
Tag - branding
Whether you are a salesperson, business owner, or educator, recently more and more of us have begun using online meetings and webinars as a way of communication. Webinars are excellent for teaching courses, training staff, or selling products, all...
How Can State-Owned Enterprises Master Branding & Marketing? Image – Pixabay CC0 License Mastering the realm of branding and marketing is a priority shared by all modern businesses. That should not change due to your state-owned enterprise...
Picture Merchandising is a hot topic among many businesses and for-profit initiatives, because not only do they give you a chance to earn extra revenue, but they allow you to further spread your brand name and increase its exposure. This means that...
Nohman, Rizwan and Imran Ahmed are three brothers from vastly different career backgrounds who, in 2013, came together to found a business. They were entering an overlooked category that generated little excitement, yet they could see the potential...
The brand is a huge part of any business that wants to truly grow successful. But a brand isn’t just a message and a style you adopt for one marketing campaign. It’s something you should be holding up for a long time. The brand is how you influence...
Image source All businesses know the importance of having a presence at industry events and trade shows. Organising a stand at an industry event or exhibition is no mean feat, and with the last few years seeing a boom, in the amount of temporary...
Let’s face it, we could all do with having a little more cash around us. If only there were such a thing as money trees that we could grow in our back yard. However, many of us are stuck in a job that pays a fixed wage each month, and while that...
Image source After years spent commuting and every day feeling the same, it may be time to take the plunge and start up your own business instead. If you are fed up with the 9 to 5, the train delays, roadworks, and all too common underground...
Flickr Running a successful construction operation will mean that you need to take care of large physical considerations. What should you do with all of the refuse your factory creates as a result of manufacturing your goods? How can you sustainably...