Tag - Beer


Guinness Storehouse: Living history

Guinness – it’s a brand close to many people’s hearts and a name that immediately evokes thoughts of Ireland. Founded in 1759, the spirit of Guinness is still alive today, not only in the city, but wherever the beer is enjoyed. Its story has...

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Coffee Break

Sugar-Free… Well, Maybe Sugar-Less!

Image If the experts are to be believed, sugar is one of the most harmful substances to humankind. It may not have caused the wars that oil has, but sugar is a major player in bad health. For humans to be healthy, people like you and me need to cut...

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Coffee Break

The Painful Truth Our Ocean Is Dying

Image If you still don’t know the real reason our ocean is dying – here’s why. Oil spills Oil spills tend to happen a lot more than we know about, and this is mostly because the media doesn’t feel like telling us about it unless people...

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