Founded on a commitment to delivering energy more sustainably, TotalEnergies is a globally integrated energy company where the planet and its people...
TotalEnergies Suriname: Supporting Suriname’s Energy Sector

Founded on a commitment to delivering energy more sustainably, TotalEnergies is a globally integrated energy company where the planet and its people...
For 55 years now, Surinam Airways has given the nation wings, both internally and overseas. As Suriname’s national airline, the company has grown from a modest concept into the proud flag carrier for the country’s transport and trade. Whilst they...
Petroserv is a company that has garnered itself an enviable reputation within a highly competitive industry, but at no point has the market dulled its shareholders’, board of directors’, executive management’s and staff’s enthusiasm for quality and...
Nigeria and the Oil & Gas industry have a long and involved relationship. At times, the relationship has been tumultuous, moving from bountiful ups to shattering downs, but through it all, the two have remained closely bound. This year, the...
Colón Import & Export’s origins lie in barter between Europe and the indigenous communities of Kuna Yala in the archipelago of San Blas. What began as the simple trade of European appliances and local coastal resources grew with the opening of...
Since 1941, Abengoa has put sustainability first. For Abengoa Water, this means clean water treatment that not only keeps the life-giving resource fresh, but is carried out in an environmentally maintainable way. With exciting new plants in the...
In the British food world, the Wellocks name is synonymous with freshness, reliability and quality. We spoke with company CEO, James Wellock, about his experience growing up with the company in its early years, and how it has boomed into an...
East Africa has long been known to stand on rich land, yet extraction of these resources has been fraught with difficulty for the region’s population. Finally, the area has reached a tipping point where investment and interest outweighs these...
They say that one person’s trash is another person’s treasure. This couldn’t be truer than when talking about USE-IT, the veritable Wombles of South Africa’s NGOs. USE-IT research waste to develop new uses for the things we throw away; we...
Fancy an adventure? For over 25 years, Gamewatchers Safaris have been arranging ‘authentic’ safari experiences in Kenya and beyond with a focus on responsible tourism. This award-winning tour operator isn’t just working to reduce...
At the beginning of the year, Endeavour had the pleasure of speaking with Barbados Port Inc., the overseers of Barbados’ impressive Port of Bridgetown. As the group are continually striving to be ‘Best in Class’, we decided to touch base...