Founded on a commitment to delivering energy more sustainably, TotalEnergies is a globally integrated energy company where the planet and its people...
TotalEnergies Suriname: Supporting Suriname’s Energy Sector

Founded on a commitment to delivering energy more sustainably, TotalEnergies is a globally integrated energy company where the planet and its people...
You’d need to have been living under a rock to not notice that the oil industry has hit turbulent times recently, but there is a small contingent of flagship operations keeping the flag flying. Endeavour Magazine spoke to one such company, Guyana...
The first modern Islamic bank was established in Egypt in 1963, but the traditions of Sharia’h-compliant banking date back as far as Islam itself. The 1970s saw the Islamic Banking sector set down official roots and flourish in size following the...
When Zimbabwe’s economy hit a crisis in the early 2000s, it had affects to the country that are still being reversed today. However, with new government initiatives, investing companies and drive, revival and innovation is able to thrive. We spoke...
Offering a variety of security solutions throughout South Africa, TSU Protection Services operates in accordance with staggeringly high levels of professionalism and Endeavour Magazine investigated, to discover if that’s the key to the company’s...
For many countries, the tourism industry is an economic backbone that provides essential income and employment; but more than this, it can also push a country to preserve and invest in its culture and heritage. By protecting historic buildings...
If you’re looking for high-tech solutions to boost your mining endeavours, then you’d be smart to look towards Australia. The new HiSeis seismic survey technology that has companies in a buzz was developed at Australia‘s Curtin University, and the...
Whether private or public, health services rely on donors, for everything from organs after the donors pass away, to assistance that can be given more regularly. Of these resources, the most highly sought after and frequently used is, almost...
When a system is in jeopardy, you can either give up on it, or you can start again. The South African Post Office is not only on a road to recovery, but through a new appreciation and application of the team and assets at its disposal, it is...
Botswana used to be one of the poorest countries in the world, and now is a flourishing, growing middle-income economy, all off the back of mining. To profit from mining is, in part, reliant on the good fortune of existing on resource-rich land, but...
Headquartered in Düsseldorf, Germany, Uniper is an international energy company with a strong presence throughout Europe, as well as a presence in the Americas and Asia. In its own words: “We combine a balanced portfolio of technologically advanced...