It has been said by the great and the wise that the world we live in today has changed more quickly in the last century or so than the 1,000-years preceding. Taking into account the incredible strides forward that have been made technologically...
Category - Amazing World
When you think for a moment about what our species has managed during our short time on Earth, it’s difficult not to come to the conclusion that we’re capable of some pretty astonishing stuff when we put our minds to it.
For many centuries, the old Silk Road of ancient legend – a vast and far-reaching network of land and maritime trade routes, stretching the entire length of the Eurasian landmass from around 120BC to the 1450s – was a beating heart of global...
There are more than a few beautiful and utterly bonkers natural marvels to be found dotted around the world, but the psychedelic Rainbow Mountains of North-West China are something a bit special.
If you haven’t heard of the Svalbard archipelago, a small island group halfway between Norway and the North Pole, you’re in good company – aside from the tiny civilian population of Longyearbyen who call Svalbard home, few know of this remote part...
“By merging molecular gastronomy with virtual reality, we can finally enjoy any food we want in a whole new way.”
The astounding achievements of our forefathers, particularly those of Classical Greece, and the Golden Age of the Romans and the Islamic world which followed and endured for more than a millennia after, are truly humbling.
Recent advances within the realms of science never fail to impress us here at Endeavour Magazine. Over the past decade alone mankind has witnessed remarkable advances in the field of bio-research, ranging from the great strides forward that have...
If ever you’ve ever found yourself wondering what it would be like to experience a violent thunderstorm that seemingly never ends, you need look no further than Venezuela – the home of yet another of planet earth’s more mysterious natural wonders...
For those of us who truly, truly love Christmas and all the colourful winter festivities that come with it, the wait is almost over. After a long, and to say the least, eventful 2016, the season of goodwill is finally set to usher us into the new...