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Marketing Strategies That Have Been Proven Most Effective

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There are as many marketing strategies around as there are smartphones on the planet, and the ones used by marketers will largely depend on the company’s goals and the nature of the campaign. That said, there are certain strategies that are proven more effective than others, particularly as the digital landscape changes and develops; a few years ago, for instance, Video Marketing was not as prevalent or necessary as it is now. With this in mind we look at five strategies that have risen to the top in recent years.

  Marketing Automation 

Marketing Automation refers to software used by companies to automate certain repetitive tasks within their business such as email marketing, SMS Marketing, Social Media Posts, and Ad campaigns. The software streamlines these processes and makes them more efficient, it also reduces company overheads; but that’s not all. Marketing Automation also creates a better customer experience by using algorithms to make the customer journey more personalized and relevant. Leading software solutions for marketing Automation include Hubspot and ActiveCampaign – Please see here for a company that makes Text Marketing easy.   

Video Marketing 

Video Marketing has been on the rise for several years, perhaps because of the success of Social Media marketing since Facebook began to follow Google’s business model. Video is an excellent medium for marketing, it’s engaging, informative, and easy to use. Not only that, video content can be broken up into blog posts and used for Ads and social media posts. When developing a marketing campaign strategy it now makes perfect sense to start with video, even if it does have more upfront costs, potentially. 

Interactive Content 

In some ways, Interactive content is the opposite of Video Marketing. If Video Marketing is at the forefront of Marketing Campaign strategy then Interactive Content is the innovation of existing technologies and ideas. Written content will always be popular, but it can be made more engaging for readers by including video, quizzes, activities, and polls – even links from a blog post to a game of video could be considered interactive. Other forms include animated infographics and simple games with an advertising element.  


Although Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have been around for some time they have really been effective tools for marketing strategy until now. Often associated with bulky accessories and inconvenience wear, these technologies have become far more efficient and user-friendly in recent years leading marketers to consider them for campaigns. These campaigns might include an augmented reality game in the form of Pokemon Go, or a VR video that contains an Ad. The fact these technologies haven’t disappeared completely proves they have something valuable to offer.   

Chatbots & AI

Chatbots have become very popular in recent years as a form of automated marketing and customer relations. Since the AI technology has improved Chatbots are becoming standard practice on many business’s websites to answer customer queries and direct them to the right places. They are excellent for both businesses and customers, but for different reasons. For businesses Chatbots reduce overheads and increase revenue, and customers receive an efficient and non-intrusive user interface. It’s no wonder Chatbots have become an irresistible website feature for businesses.