The Best of #TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter

Internationally renowned writer Joanne Harris is best known for writing Chocolat (you know, it was a book before that film with Johnny Depp) but today it’s the hashtag #TenThingsNotToSayToAWriter that everyone’s talking about. This morning, the writer tweeted the ten things she thinks you should never tell a writer – and twitter exploded. So here’s our favourite 20 things not to say to a writer…

Joanne kicked things off with something all writers have heard.

It’s a sentiment that many writers echo.

Some twitter users dwelt on the harsh realities of what happens when someone reads your work.

(Let’s be honest, it is a bit on the hefty side.)

Others tweeted about how ‘easy’ it is to write.

Some people clearly felt more strongly about the hashtag than others.

Then again, some things are just offensive.

I even came up with a few of my own suggestions…

We think Troy said it best, though.

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