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BP Trinidad and Tobago: Harnessing Trinidad and Tobago’s Energy Sector

BP Trinidad and Tobago (BPTT) are a leading hydrocarbon producer, that has taken its roots from the global BP Group and developed them towards the development of Trinidad and Tobago’s national energy industry. BPTT has long been a vital part of the energy sector in the region, and today its natural gas production accounts for roughly half of the nation’s total gas products. With 17 offshore installations and two onshore processing facilities currently in operation across Trinidad and Tobago, the company remains committed to being a valuable partner for the region set on enhancing the community, economy and planet through every aspect of its operation.

BPTT currently have 17 offshore installations that operate as part of a united system set to enhance the energy sector of Trinidad and Tobago. Across its operations, BPTT currently holds a plethora of exploration and production licences spanning multiple offshore platforms and two onshore processing facilities. With such a vast range of operations currently underway, BPTT remains focused on developing the industry within Trinidad and Tobago towards the future of energy development.

A vital project currently under BPTT’s development is Cypre, which is the company’s third subsea development in Trinidad and Tobago. The project will encompass 7 wells and subsea trees which will be tied back into BPTT’s existing Jupiter platform. In February 2024, drilling began on Cypre and it aims to enhance the existing infrastructure of BPTT’s projects, and bring innovation into the way that BPTT can bring gas to market. It is currently expected that Cypre will help bring gas to market faster. In the press release announcing the starting of the drilling at Cypre, David Campell, President of BPTT outlined, “Following the successful delivery of our small pools drilling programme we are pleased to see the safe and efficient retooling and relocation of the Valaris Joe Douglas rig to the Cypre field. Cypre is a significant investment for BPTT to continue to maintain production and the start of the drilling programme is an important step in the Cypre project”.

Campbell continues, “Our objective is to bring natural gas into production safely and as quickly as possible […] Our teams are fully focused on drilling other aspects of the Cypre development to deliver first gas by 2025”. Campbell’s comments highlight the vital investments BPTT has made in developing this major offshore project to enhance gas delivery to Trinidad and Tobago. As the project sets its sights on the future, we look forward to seeing how Cypre will continue to develop and see its first gas delivered in the next few months.

The other current development for BPTT is the Ocelot Project, consisting of a new 7” onshore liquid pipeline that will connect BPTT’s existing Beachfield facility to the Galeota Terminal Facility. The pipeline will be implemented along the current pipeline corridor used by the 06BECH pipeline, and span 13km. This onshore project will see the pipeline go across both forested, road and river crossing areas where varying depths will be required. To achieve this, BPTT will utilise onshore practices and will be completed in manageable segments to mitigate risks and exposure within the local community. Once completed, the pipeline will flush and clean the old 06BECH pipeline of hydrocarbon, disconnect it from the facility connections and plug the end of the old pipeline. The main contractor for this project is Stork Technical Services Limited, which will carry out the bulk of the onshore development.

In recent months, BPTT announced that it has been awarded the NCMA 3 block offshore of Trinidad, as part of the Shallow Water 2023/2024 bid. The block is located off Trinidad’s north coast and signifies a new area of exploration for BP in the region. Previous production in the Columbus Basin region was carried out by BPTT off Trinidad’s east coast. The announcement of the expansion of BPTT’s operations into the NCMA 3 Block highlights the company’s strategy to access new basins whilst maximising production across its existing projects.

David Campbell outlined that “Continued exploration activity is crucial for sustaining our industry and I am very pleased that we have secured this block. The NCMA area is new to BP in T&T and I am looking forward to maximising its potential. Although geographically new to use, we will be able to draw on our 50-plus years of exploration experience in Trinidad and Tobago”. Campbell’s comments signify the vital role BPTT continues to play in the development of Trinidad and Tobago’s energy industry, as it is with its expertise gathered over more than 5 decades in the region, that it has the vital skill set to expand its portfolio to deliver new and significant exploration operations within Trinidad and Tobago.

Whilst BPTT continues to expand its portfolio, it recently announced in September that it would be divesting four of its mature gas assets and undeveloped resources to Perenco Trinidad and Tobago (Perenco T&T). The assets in question are the Immortelle, Flamboyant, Amherstia and Cashima offshore gas fields, including the associated production facilities. The fields are all mature fields that have been in production for many years and produce a total of 30,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (bopd). The agreement between BPTT and Perenco T&T would see the assets divested to Perenco T&T, with BPTT purchasing the gas produced from the fields as it continues to meet its current contractual obligations.

The agreement aims to help BPTT focus on its higher-value assets, whilst it helps Perenco T&T to expand its role across Trinidad and Tobago. This ‘win-win’ agreement was highlighted by David Campbells with, “Divesting these mature assets will high-grade our portfolio in Trinidad and Tobago as we focus on continuing to develop our shallow water gas portfolio and pursuing growth opportunities with both deep water and cross border gas resources. This is part of our mission to accelerate gas production, create value and unlock the energy future of Trinidad and Tobago. Meanwhile, Perenco will be able to apply their mature asset expertise to extend these fields’ producing life and support maximum recovery of resources”. Campbell’s comments here exemplify exactly how BPTT is moving into the next phase of its operations as it aims to focus on its shallow water developments to accelerate gas production, whilst ensuring that its mature assets continue to bring significant energy development to Trinidad and Tobago under the expertise of mature life assets experts such as Perenco T&T.

What we have seen across all of BPTT’s operations here is a vital shift towards the future of energy development, as it has continued to expand new and vital fields for Trinidad and Tobago to continue pioneering its energy development. However, throughout every aspect of its operations, its commitment to ensuring that its existing portfolio is continually enhanced either under its operation or through strategic partnerships with other energy companies across the region. It is this unification of expertise across the sector, that has positioned BPTT as the leading energy provider in the country for many years.