Mining for centuries has been the predominant pillar of thousands of industries across the world. Most importantly, it ensures that millions of people across the planet receive the key resources that we need to thrive as a society. Therefore, mining is integral in the production and development of many everyday materials that we take for granted. Significantly, mined materials are integral in the construction of roads, hospitals, cars, computers, and even satellites. You name it, and mining will have had an integral involvement along the process. Accordingly, as the unsung hero of many industrial and technological businesses, we firmly believed that mining deserved its own publication, to highlight the key work it does in the advancement of our technological society.
In this issue, we learn how mining can be used to build a more sustainable world. This particular focus can be seen within Sun Metals. As one of the most technologically advanced zinc refineries in the world, it has a clear aim to go green. To add to this, we also heard from the new innovative company, ProSealCorp, and their advancements in green technology development. Further exciting developments can also be seen in AngloGold Ashanti’s Obuasi mine, and Teranga Gold Corporation’s investment in the future of gold mining. We also spoke to further titans of the mining industry like Banro Corp. Ltd. and Blast Movement Technologies.
All in all, this special mining publication can provide you with all the latest information on mining, as the integral underdog of the growing technological world, grows bigger and better every year.
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