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How to Prepare for a Wildfire

Navigating wildfire preparedness is an essential skill nowadays. Climate change has made these unfortunate events more widespread and frequent, but there are things you can do to help mitigate fire damage to your home and be ready in case something happens.

The best way to prepare for a wildfire is to clear your home of any fire risks. This involves maintaining your grounds and getting rid of debris and tree limbs that might make it easy for flames to spread. It’s also good to prepare a wildfire ‘go bag’ for a quick getaway in case a wildfire occurs and you need to evacuate immediately.

Protecting Your Home from a Wildfire

Wildfires are dangerous because they spread very quickly–from one bush to the next tree to the next pile of leaves. To prevent flames from reaching your home, it’s best to remove any of these hazards and create a space that can act as a defense for your property.

Here are some tips to protect your home from a wildfire:

Get Rid of Debris

Create a 1.5-meter non-combustible zone around your home and any attachments. Do this by removing debris in the immediate vicinity. This means getting rid of leaves, seeds, cones, twigs, and other vegetation (especially dry and dead ones) from your lawn, roof, gutters, and decks.

Trim Your Trees

Prune all trees that are growing within 30 meters of your house (or, if possible, up to one hundred meters out) and trim branches and limbs that are within the same distance between trees, spacing them out at least three meters away from one another. Trim trees that have undergrowth or shrubs, too. This can create horizontal and vertical space, making it harder for flames to spread.

Maintain Your Landscaping

Avoid letting your grounds dry out by always keeping them watered. If you can overhaul your landscaping, focus on making it wildfire-proof by strategically using plants and materials that could mitigate or prevent fires.

For example, add moisture-rich plants like aloe vera or plant hardwood trees that won’t ignite easily, like maple. You can also build your landscape with rocks and gravel instead of just grass to create open spaces that will slow the spread of flames.

What Supplies Do You Need for a Wildfire?

Having a wildfire ‘go bag’ is necessary for a quick getaway in case a wildfire happens in your area–but what do you put inside? Your pack should include:

  • Water
  • Non-perishable food (good for at least two days)
  • Maps of evacuation routes
  • Necessary medication
  • A change of clothes
  • A mask or respirator
  • Credit cards and cash
  • A first-aid kit
  • Sanitary supplies
  • A flashlight
  • A battery-powered radio
  • Extra batteries
  • Matches (in a waterproof container)
  • A whistle
  • A pocket knife
  • A blanket
  • Chargers for your electronics
  • A battery pack
  • Copies of important documents

If you have a pet, it’s also important to pack their food and water. If time allows, you can also consider adding some valuables and personal data (in hard drives or disks). These supplies can help you survive the aftermath of a wildfire, at least until you get adequate help and support from authorities.