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Global Collaboration: 4 Tips for International Meetings

Doing business internationally has long been common in the modern age. However, since the global pandemic forced us all to work more online, it’s become more of a part of our routine than ever.

However, that doesn’t mean we should become complacent. Hosting good, productive, and considerate international meetings should always be a priority, whether you’re meeting with an international team, chatting with global investors, or hosting international investigator meetings.

Here are a few important things to consider if you want to ensure great outcomes every time.

Understand Cultural Differences

When you’re meeting with partners, clients, and employees on an international scale, being sensitive to cultural differences is important for delivering consistency in the quality of your meetings, which you can learn more about here.

There are countless cultural nuances that will impact communication and collaboration, so taking the time to do a little research will go a long way toward enhancing the productivity of your meetings. Keep in mind that some participants might not be fluent in your preferred language, so planning for an in-room interpreter to help with a language barrier is a good step to take for international meetings.

Use Technology Wisely

Of course, these international meetings wouldn’t be possible without the incredible technology we have available, so it’s a good idea to use it even further to your advantage.

Tools like online meeting schedulers will help participants determine availability, while the right hosting platforms will allow you to record your meetings, present easily, and ensure high-quality audio so everyone can hear you clearly. You can also use online tools to take notes, as well as AI technology to create agendas, assign pre-meeting tasks, and summarise the meeting outcomes.

Establish Clear Objectives and Agendas

Going into a meeting without a clear goal is a waste of everyone’s time, and this is especially frustrating when you’re sitting in front of your laptop in the middle of the night because it’s an international call.

Make sure that you plan the meeting carefully to establish an agenda and a desired outcome before you log into the call. Distribute this agenda a few days in advance so participants have time to plan and prepare anything that might be needed from them, and consider setting up an AI meeting assistant to keep you on track and within the scheduled meeting time.

Follow Up and Provide Feedback

Following up after an international meeting is a good way to solidify business relationships, keep people in the loop, and ensure that any tasks generated in the meeting are remembered and completed.

All this takes is a quick email – thank them for participating in the meeting, provide a clear and concise overview of what was discussed and decided, and remind them of any action items or assigned responsibilities they need to take care of, as well as any deadlines associated with these. This will help ensure that everyone stays on the same page and is well-prepared for the next meeting.