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20 Questions to Ask Your Family Law Attorney

Marriage and family law is a specialized branch of law that involves many sensitive issues such as divorce, child custody and support, spousal maintenance, and distribution of marital property. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right lawyer who will handle your legal issue with understanding and expertise.

The Importance of Appropriate Lawyer in Family Law

Family law matters are always delicate and such cases can impose a lot of change on the parties involved. This is particularly important for a city like Reno, which has its own distinctive culture of laws regarding family matters.

The right attorney can successfully guide the client through such legal intricacies and zeal for the client’s cause to realize the optimum outcome dependent on the circumstances of the case at hand. 

Below are some of the most helpful questions to ask your family law attorney when dealing with this intricate procedure so that you can make the right decisions.

1. What can you tell me about your practice in family law?

There is the need to make sure that you get to talk to your attorney concerning your case and the experience they have regarding family law attorneys. It is crucial to inquire about how long they have been in practice, the number of such cases that they have managed, and the outcome.

2. Are you board-certified in family law?

Board certification indicates excellence, showing that the attorney has passed important standardized tests set by a professional legal body. Every family law attorney reno should be assessed to ensure they meet such criteria.

3. What is your approach to handling cases?

Various lawyers have various tendencies. You may analyze their functions and services and find out that the manner they attract audiences and share important information differs significantly. It can be that such legal positions can be more assertive and forceful.

4. How will you communicate with me?

Responding to lien satisfaction forms is a significant legal process that requires good communication. When was the last time/ frequency that you spoke to your attorney and how did it happen—either by phone, via email, or an in-person visit?

5. What Should I Expect in Court?

While no one can make any sureties for a particular case, the experienced family law attorney should be able to speak to you about the possibility of what may happen, especially from previous cases.

6. How much do you charge?

It is very important to be cognizant of the cost of legal defense services. They should explain to you how much they charge you whether it is by the hour, through a retainer fee or, if there are any other costs you should expect when you are using their services.

7. Who will get involved in my case?

In some law firms, junior associates or paralegals may perform the legal work as it pertains to the case. Make it your business to know who will be handling your case and their professional merit.

8. How long will my case take?

It is always difficult to set a date as to how long a particular case would take but having a consultation with a lawyer will help estimate the time frame with a case that is similar to the one in question.

9. What Is Your Strategy for My Case?

One way to gain information about the attorney’s approach is by asking about the lawyer’s plans for your case. In any case, where legal services are sought out for settlement, mediation, or litigation you might feel more comfortable about their approach if you know their strategies.

10. Do you have any referrals from your previous clients?

Word of mouth from past clients in terms of performance and manner that responds to the client’s information can help determine the right lawyer. Do not neglect to seek contacts from those who value your service and if you may, ensure to contact them for further authentication.

11. What are the possible options/ways in place as a substitute for litigation?

It’s important to consult with a lawyer because legal proceedings can be long and expensive. Investigate whether there are other forms of dispute resolution, such as mediation or collaborative law.

12. What measures can you adopt relative to conflict of interest?

You should also ensure that the attorney does not have any conflict of interest that was not disclosed before. This is relevant to avoid case influence and so that your attorney does not work under any bias.

13. How will you safeguard my best interest and privacy?

Family law issues usually present such matters of discretion so it is not a matter of course that their results will be made public. Inquire how your attorney will ensure their and your privacy and how exactly your information will be protected throughout the procedure.

14. What is the process following our first consultation?

Knowing how you will proceed after the initial consultation makes the process easier to understand. Inquire about the next steps that the service provider intends to take in the next one hour, a day, and a week, respectively.

15. How do you handle child custody and support issues?

Child custody and support issues are some of the most critical and contentious areas in family law. Before entering such disputes, make sure your attorney has adequate practice in such cases, and find out how they are going to solve the problem.

16. What is your success rate with cases like mine?

Most importantly, past success is no guarantee for success in the future; nevertheless, this information gives you some assurance that your attorney can competently handle your matter.

17. What strategies will guide your involvement and participation in informing me?

In this regard, while a good attorney will ensure that they keep you informed, updated, and as actively involved in the process as possible, if he/she is successful in convincing the judge, the said consequence is what would ensue.

18. What should I do to prepare for my case?

It is very important to ensure that you prepare well for your case so that you can stand a higher chance of winning the case. Consult with your attorney about what you, the client, should do to assist in the case; collecting records, or anything that could be useful for the case.

19. What kind of obstacles do you foresee in my case?

Even if the client does not perceive difficulties, an experienced lawyer can predict them in the process. By anticipating such challenges that may surface when working with the deaf community, a person will be in a position to find ways of addressing such barriers.

20. How do you define success?

It can also help to understand your attorney’s perspective on measuring the success and the goal to be achieved. It can be just compensation in a contractual dispute, custody over children, or the ability to support oneself and one’s family.

Significance of Discussing Attorney’s Strategy

Importance Example Outcome
Understanding the approach ensures alignment with goals Attorney plans mediation for amicable divorce More cooperative process, less conflict
Allows client to assess attorney’s competence Attorney explains aggressive litigation strategy Confidence in the attorney’s ability to advocate effectively
Helps set realistic expectations for case Attorney discusses the likelihood of settlement vs. trial Informed decision-making and preparation for potential outcomes


This is especially true when it comes to hiring your family law attorney and choosing the right one will go a long way in determining the outcome of your case. Answering these questions ensures that you have significant information about your attorney, their working style, and their legal strategy, enabling you to make an informed decision. While it’s important to choose a knowledgeable lawyer, it’s equally crucial to find one who will support you throughout the process.


1. Why is it important to know how much experience an attorney has in the field of family law?

It makes you determine the capability of that particular attorney in handling the various rigorous issues of family law.

2. What does it entail if an attorney is board-certified in family law?

Board certification is an indication of excellence in practice that shows that the attorney specializing in family law has met the recommended standard and performs his/her duties efficiently.

3. How would an attorney’s handling of cases impact my scenario?

Each attorney has an aggressive kind of personality or a mediation-type attitude, and this will dictate how your case will be handled, therefore, such factors have to be considered if they suit your needs.