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Four Sustainable Lawn Care Tips

Your lawn is a major part of your home’s curb appeal and maintenance, but it can also be harmful to the environment. Chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides pollute and create an imbalance in nature. If you’re looking for ways to meet your lawn care goals while still being kind to the environment, sustainable lawn care is the solution. Sustainable lawn care is a set of techniques that are designed to use natural materials and methods to improve the health of your lawn without damaging the environment. 

Here are four sustainable lawn care tips you can implement on your own lawn today.


Use Natural Fertilizers

The key step to transitioning to a more sustainable lawn care routine is to use natural fertilizers instead of chemical-based fertilizers. Natural fertilizers are made from plant or animal matter – such as composted leaves, manure, fish meal, and seaweed extract – providing essential nutrients to the soil and promoting healthy grass growth without harm. You can find natural fertilizers at most garden or lawn care stores. 

When buying natural fertilizers, check the label for information on how to use them and how often. It’s important to follow instructions carefully, as over-fertilizing can lead to soil imbalances or damage resulting from too much of a certain nutrient.


Water Efficiently

Water efficiency is an important part of sustainable lawn care as it’s easy to over-water your lawn, leading to runoff and water waste. 

When watering your lawn, water it deeply so that the roots can soak up the nutrients and moisture. Avoid watering during the heat of the day and in windy conditions, as this may only lead to evaporation.

If possible, install an irrigation system or choose a grass species that requires less water. 


Practice Natural Pest Control

Pesticides contain harmful chemicals that can harm the environment so practice natural pest control when possible. The best way to prevent pests is to create a healthy lawn by using natural fertilizers and watering correctly.

If you do find pests on your lawn, remove them manually or use natural pest control methods such as sprinkling diatomaceous earth (an organic product made from the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms) around the affected area. You can also introduce beneficial insects such as ladybugs into your garden to help keep pests at bay.


Mow Smartly 

Mowing is a part of lawn care, but you have to be smart about it. For a healthy lawn, never mow more than one-third of the height of the grass and leave clippings on the lawn to add nutrients back into the soil. Mow in different directions each time to prevent soil compaction, which can lead to poor drainage and stunted grass growth.

It’s also important to use a mower with sharp blades as dull blades can tear the grass instead of cutting it cleanly and evenly, causing the grass to be more vulnerable to diseases and pests.


Sustainable lawn care is an important part of protecting the environment while creating a healthy, beautiful lawn. By following these tips, you can have a healthy lawn while also helping to reduce your environmental impact.