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How to Avoid False Information and Fake News Online

The internet certainly is an incredible place. Alongside providing entertainment, it keeps us informed and allows us to research whatever we need.

However, while there is a lot of great information, anybody can make a website. Without being careful, you can become misinformed and even accidentally spread facts that aren’t true.

In this article, we are going to discuss how you can avoid false information and fake news when researching online.

Interested in learning more? Then keep on reading.

Use reputable websites.

One of the best ways to avoid false information online is to only use reputable websites. This includes news and government sites that are monitored and regulated by experts in the related field (not Wikipedia).

That being said, other sources can have reputable data. Check out as an example. They compile their curated lists with professionals, and their page provides plenty of information to validate their authenticity.

Look for spelling mistakes.

Correct information is checked and edited by professionals who are experienced writers. So, one of the most prominent signs of a fake article is spelling errors.

If you notice mistakes, including incorrect grammar, or find that the information isn’t properly phrased, it may not be entirely accurate. Of course, even experts make errors, but they shouldn’t be frequent.

Understand the difference between fact and opinion.

When you’re reading an article online, you should be able to determine whether something is fact or opinion. Fact-based posts link real people and studies, while opinion-based posts speak about personal beliefs.

Knowing the difference between the two will help you understand which data is helpful. Of course, opinions can still provide great insight, but they shouldn’t be used to support your own research.

Visit other sources.

If you’re still unsure whether the information you have found is factual or not, one simple tip to follow is to check it against other sources. If you’ve noticed the same thing across multiple sites, chances are there is truth to it.

However, if the answer is different and nothing adds up, you may need to do some further digging. Again, visiting reputable websites first can help with this and will prevent you from wasting a lot of time.

Trust your gut.

Finally, and probably one of the best tips to follow is to make sure that you trust your gut. If a website doesn’t seem reputable, or you are noticing a lot of red flags, it’s better to stay away.

Often, you’ll be able to use common sense to determine if something is untrustworthy. However, you can always head down to your local library if you’re still having trouble.

Final words.

And that’s it. While it’s not easy to thoroughly sort through all of the information available online, the above will help you find the most accurate sources.

Just try and remember not to share anything that you haven’t checked first. It really is worth taking the extra time to ensure you are visiting the best pages.