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Read This if You Take Xeljanz and Have Blood Clots

About the author:

Wilma Wiliams is a law school graduate and a part-time freelance blogger, focused on various legal topics such as personal injury, and bankruptcy. She’s passionate about educating the public on fighting for their rights, which is why she’s currently collaborating with Ask LLP: Lawyers for Justice, whilst actively sharing a part of her experience as a former lawyer.


Xeljanz is an arthritis and ulcerative colitis medication which has been linked to blood clots. The risk of blood clots led the United States Food and Drug Administration to add a black box warning to the drug in July of 2019. The label warns about the increased risk of blood clots and death when taking a Xeljanz 10 mg dose twice daily.

Lawsuits Against Pfizer

The FDA first released a safety communication about Xeljanz in February of 2019 regarding the potential risk of blood clots with a higher dose of the medication. Since then, law firms have begun to devote resources towards investigations into legal cases against the drug’s manufacturer Pfizer.

Legal action against Pfizer over the risk of blood clots with Xeljanz is still in the early stages. However, if you feel like you have a claim, you might want to talk to a lawyer today. Even though it is early stages in the lawsuit process, you could find yourself missing your window for filing a claim to receive compensation if you wait.

If you or a loved one developed a blood clot while taking Xeljanz, contact a mass tort attorney in New York to discuss your options.

Xeljanz Has Many Serious Side Effects

Xeljanz has been on the market for years and comes with many serious side effects. However, there was no legal trouble surrounding the drug until recently. That’s because Xeljanz had clear warning labels about all of their other dangerous side effects. Since the package contained no warning about the risk of blood clots, though, the drug manufacturer could be held liable for people who suffered from this condition.

What Is the Risk With Xeljanz?

The risk of blood clots with Xeljanz centers around patients taking a dose of 10 mg twice daily. That dosage is higher than the approved dose for patients with rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis. However, it does not exceed the approved dosage for people suffering from ulcerative colitis.

While the majority of reported cases have been in patients with arthritis, there have also been reported cases of people taking the drug for ulcerative colitis who have suffered blood clots.

People who suffered blood clots while taking the medication for ulcerative colitis are going to be in a stronger legal position if they choose to bring a lawsuit against Pfizer than those who were taking the drug for arthritis. Unless, of course, the amount they were taking was below the amount that has been found to lead to blood clots.

If you were taking Xeljanz for arthritis, and you were taking a dose of 10 mg twice a day, then you might have a better legal complaint to make against your doctor for prescribing you a dosage above the approved limit.

Seek Legal Counsel

Whatever the specifics of your case, if you have taken Xeljanz and experienced blood clots, you should consult with an attorney to discuss your options. It is always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your finances and your health.

If you have suffered from blood clots that you believe may have resulted from your use of Xeljanz, a lawyer familiar with the issue can help you figure out if there is a relation between you taking the medication and developing blood clots. They can also help you to decide whom you should bring a lawsuit against if you have a case.

You might be in a position to bring a lawsuit against Pfizer, your doctor, your pharmacist, or a combination of these parties.

Consult Your Physician

You should always consult with your physician anytime you start or stop taking any medication to discuss the possible consequences of doing so. If you believe your physician has advised you poorly and put your health at risk, you should get a second opinion.

Xeljanz is a powerful drug that offers many great benefits in dealing with the conditions for which it is prescribed. These benefits can also come with a lot of dangerous drawbacks, however. Because of this, it is always best to carefully monitor your health while on this drug.