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Concerns and Goals For a Divorce – How to Cope, Set and Achieve

Why do you actually need to set goals for the divorce? Goalsetting is crucial to identify where you are now and where you feel the desire to be after the split. Allocating time to write down the goals is imperative to make the first steps towards a new start.

It is common knowledge that the goals which have been written down are more likely to be followed by the one who set them. Therefore, after determining your intentions you are less likely to be swept away by the unpredictable obstacles. A piece of paper with your real intentions helps keep your focus on your goals and hence you will make decisions always taking into consideration your purpose.

Main Concerns to Start With

To carry out the divorce successfully answer these questions at first:

  • How to explore all the legal pitfalls of the divorce, what to do with a divorce packet and what strategy to choose?
  • Who would be the custodial and non-custodial parent between you two?
  • Will you need any alimony or child support to live on with children conveniently?
  • How much debt is on your shoulders?

However, a sophisticated and stressful divorce process can affect your willingness to keep your goals in the top priority. The exhausting court hearings, constant conflicts, and money that have to be paid to your attorney can cause you to be demotivated and broken down. But with an online divorce packet, you will be able to complete divorce in shorter terms than usual. Get the divorce court forms now and one of the concerns will be solved.

What Your Goals Can Be?

They may relate to the process of divorce. For instance:

  • I want both of us to take consistent care of our children,
  • I want to support my other spouse, who takes care of the children,
  • I do not want to have children involved in our personal conflicts,
  • I want to have a reasonable time schedule of meeting with my child,
  • I do not want to drown in debt,
  • I want to take care of my financial condition before the process is finalized,
  • I want our court hearing to be peaceful,
  • I want to keep calm, respect and dignity throughout the process,
  • I want to slow down or speed up the separation process.

Hint! Return to these statements if you feel that the soil is slipping out from under your feet.

Also, they can relate to the relationships with your future ex-partner and children. For example,

  • I want my children to be satisfied with their lives, not disadvantaged and bullied at school,
  • I want my children to have lovely relationships with the other parent and not be deprived of their attention,
  • I do not want my children to slip between the two separate families without the feeling of being part of one of them,
  • I want my children to have as little changes in their day-to-day routine after divorce,
  • I will not let my children be part of our possible financial struggles,
  • I want my children to accept my new partner,
  • I want the other parent to participate in our children’s lives and making decisions about their future,
  • I want my ex-husband or wife to have respect for me.

Your goals can also be about finances and personal improvement:

  • I want to leave my family out of our inner problems,
  • I want my other partner to find happiness in his new life,
  • I want to analyze out marriage and identify the mistakes that led to its deterioration,
  • I want to have a better physical form and psychological stability,
  • I want to have a vacation after the divorce,
  • I want to have a time-out to be tet-a-tet with myself and face my own mistakes,
  • I want to attend the therapy,
  • I want to start a new business.

How to Achieve Goals In Divorce?

Visualize! The most powerful tool to motivate yourself is to imagine yourself on the final point. The stronger the vision of your post-divorce reality is, the more determined you would be to achieve the goals set by you.  To be able to visualize more effectively, you can use magazines, printed pictures of your dream life and motivational quotes. Let them remind you of all the possibilities set in front of you.

Secondly, use the services of the life coach or therapist. It seems like a useless pumping of money but life coaches are very helpful for people struggling to reach their goals as it is extremely easy to derail. When hiring one, he or she will give you valuable life advice, address your drawbacks, teach how to turn them into advantages.

Conduct thorough research by reading books. Books on self-improvement are a must when being on the road to a better life. They can offer much more effective advice than Internet guides and give a proper explanation.


Setting goals for divorce and post-divorce life is necessary to overcome the post-divorce period and finally start living the life you always wanted to live. But keep in mind, that every decision related to your family will have repercussions in the future. Therefore, your task is to set goals that will imply a reasonable balance between your personal happiness and the happiness of your family.