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Hiring Practices Are Changing, Are You Ready?

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The way that employers are hiring new workers is rapidly changing with several trends shaping the future of the job market. Let’s look at these trends and explore how they could affect both the employee and the employer in the future.

Diversity And Equality

There’s going to be a great push for both in all businesses over the next few years. Research has shown that diverse companies are forty percent more successful compared with companies that focus on hiring in one age, race and gender group. This shouldn’t be surprising as different cultures, races and genders will allow employees to connect more with customers building up leads.

Meanwhile, studies have also found that businesses with an equal share of both men and women in the boardroom are more creative and innovative. As such, it is in the best interest of employers to get women into top positions.

The benefit for employees here is clear. In the past, they were forced to try and hide their culture on their resume or even change their name. Now, a diverse sounding name could actually prove to be a competitive advantage.

Further Afield

Companies are more willing to look further afield with extended searches to find the right individual for a key position in their company. The thinking here is that the right individual for the job might not be down the street. They could be in another country. Thankfully, using a lawyer for H-1b visa, it’s possible to make the transfer of an employee like this easily and make sure they get settled straight away. In this day and age, you might think it’s difficult to find employment abroad. However, if you have the support of the hiring company, it can be a lot easier. Many will even pay the bills to get you over if you’re the right person for the job.

Relying On Recruitment Agencies

While businesses want to make sure they get the right individual for the position, they don’t want to spend months on the hiring process. That’s why they tend to rely more on recruitment agencies these days. With a recruitment agency, the time it takes to get things sorted and hire the right team can be greatly reduced without losing the possibility of hiring a skilled individual. Instead, recruitment agencies can cut out the wasted time by providing employees with only the best candidates.


Of course, these days there is no guarantee that when you do find that position, it’s going to be permanent. A lot of companies today are taking advantage of freelance contracts. Freelance contracts are based on temporary agreements that can last for years. Under these agreements, employees can be let go without warning, are not entitled to job benefits and are considered sole traders. As such, it is their responsibility to handle their tax and other areas of their business finance.  This is a possibility that many small businesses are taking advantage of to keep costs under control.

As you can see then, hiring practices are changing, in some cases for the better and others for the worse.

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