Coffee Break

What Your Business Needs To Know About Outdoor Corporate Events

Is your business planning to hold an outdoor corporate event in the near future? Great! There are plenty of fantastic reasons why an event like this can do wonders for your business. That said, this isn’t going to be a breeze. Going outdoors means making things a lot harder for yourself, and you’ll only succeed if you prepare in the right way.


Always Have A Backup Plan In Mind

The biggest problem you’re going to face with arranging an outdoor event is that the weather can turn in an instant. We’re just getting past those summer months now, so you never just know what the weather will do. It’s great to have marquees to shelter from the rain, but even that might not be enough in some cases. Make sure you’ve got a backup in mind. Can you all shelter in a nearby building? Better check this out before you go holding the event.

Don’t Forget The Portable Toilets!

You can always judge an event based on the toilet facilities. We’ve all been to music festivals with awful portable toilets that have completely backed up with filth. Ideally, you want a reputable portable toilet hire company for this task. The last thing you want is to make a bad impression because the stench from those toilets is overwhelming your guests!

Have You Got The Permits For That?

There are different rules about holding events in the outdoors. If you haven’t got the correct permits, you’re going to struggle with legal issues. In fact, you’ll quickly find that your flourishing event is brought to a halt in an instant. What could be more embarrassing than getting shut down in the middle of it? It’ll certainly draw attention to your business, but it won’t do it in the right way. Research this information ahead of time.

Think About Your Equipment

If you’re bringing a bunch of electrical equipment, I’m sure you’re aware that you’ll need to prepare thoroughly. Think about any extra purchases you might need to make, like extension cords and a portable generator. Have you got a backup plan in mind in case any of these electricals fail? Can you still find a way of entertaining your corporate guests if the worst happens? Make sure you’re ready for anything that might occur.

What About Pest Control?

There’s nothing worse than holding a grandiose outdoor event, only for it to be ruined by pests. Wasps start invading your canopy, for example, forcing everyone to evacuate and go elsewhere. Are you sure that your venue is suitable for the type of event you want to hold? You might need to call in an exterminator to get rid of the problem before the day arrives. Otherwise, your guests aren’t going to be too pleased when they go home with a bunch of bites and stings!

I hope I haven’t put you off with all of these considerations. Outdoor corporate events are still a great way of entertaining guests, but you need to think twice as hard about them.